resisting the tide

IMG_2903Have you noticed how the spirit of the age seeks to invade our hearts, our lives?

I have heard this in the past, and I am beginning to see it, that the real fight in this realm is between Satan and God's people. All the rest of the self important activity is flowing into the Abyss. And the tide of evil rises.

The whole world lies in the power of the evil one – all those who are not in Christ. At the same time, many who are in Christ are giving the evil one advantage. We must be careful not to do this. Give us wisdom to avoid this trap Lord.

It is a really good thing that God is with us, otherwise none would survive!

If you don't approach life with a purpose, (a false) one will be provided. This is my annotation of a friends comment. The truth of this rings as my heart aches.

I come away from my recent travels with a deep sadness. Pardon my transparency. I have clear memories of so many family members and friends whose lives were once animated by God's grace and presence.

Now, it seems that there are so many things to live for….

Human relationships, illicit and/or legitimate.

Our wall is broken down and our gates are burned with fire, my Lord! Oh God, restore! Oh God, have mercy!!

To live in Christ is to be crucified to the world, right? Or was that only in Bible times?

Jesus, animate our lives again. Make us alive in You! Sweep away the useless associations and illicit pursuits from our hearts by the surge of your Spirit.

Without You, I fall down and am overtaken by my enemies. They are too strong for me. Send Your help to us. Don't let us be wasted on useless and cheap living, angling for a fix, being led on by appetities and impulses.

Your grace IS more powerful than these enemies that surround me. To You, my God, I cry out for help. Hear my voice. Send Your help. Free me to be Your slave.

My life must get it's meaning from You.

One Reply to “resisting the tide”

  1. Appreciate the transparentsie it wears well on you. Great word / heart felt pray. I agree and ask for the same help Lord, with out you we are fallen down and cannot get up with out the grace you supply. amen


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