Prophetic people get a sense of identity from the thought that they are seeing things that are coming. It makes for good feelings, and a sense of spiritual validity. This should not come as a surprise to us, and we shouldn't be alarmed by this reality, though it is probably omitted from most of the self-commentary that we put forth.
SO? What is coming?
Sadly (do you hear the word sadly a lot lately?), there is very little being said about what the Lord is preparing and embarking on anew. We do hear a fair amount about what is going on in the world around us, what the enemy is planning, and what will happen if we let things continue in the direction they are headed. Unfortunately, this is mostly human reasoning, which is not completely useless, as we know.
But who has a voice and perspective, a heavenly perspective, that affords one view to where the Lord is headed and what He is up to? Can you hear the crickets in the background? Seems a little quite on that front. This is a voice and a perspective we desperately need, and should be primarily devoted to.
Strategy is about the what, and tactics are about the how. We know this from the flood of military engagements in our times. MOTIVES are about the why, and this is what we don't hear a lot about, except that we are surely in our minds pure, and that we are committed the highest ideals! Bull puckey.
As the champions of yesterday and yesteryear recede, trading their swords and shields for sofas and story-time, who will arise to go forward, to lead the charge, to lift up a new standard which calls us higher? echo.. echo.. echo….
The established generation and the emerging generation of our times are observably falling into the traps which have been with us for millennium, caring only about their own things and their own perspective. The established are trying to maintain their sense of normality, the emerging are seeing the deficiencies in the normal, and they are both drawing battle lines. Is this the curse that we were promised would come if we did not find a way to turn our hearts toward one another?
I am hearing the word “sadly” a lot lately, and I think that is because sadness is one of the primary emotions I am feeling of late. It is sadness to see those who were champions as champions no longer. It is also sad that those who are arising are taking SO much longer to mature. How do we escape this sadness, or overcome it?
I had a glimpse of light that offers help in the midst of such sadness. Isaiah 43 – New Living Translation
Verse 19
For I am about to do something new.
See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
I will make a pathway through the wilderness.
I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.
Let's get our minds off the things and the people around us, and get them on God and the new thing He is doing. This promises help, and will give a needed correction to sadness. If we focus on and are preoccupied with what is, we will not see what is coming. The Lord says He will do something new, He has already started, and asks if we can see it or not. If our eye is full with all of this other stuff, we will not see it – or only see it as a threat.
Lord, help us see things as You see them! Only in this place can we be free from deception, free from flailing about to save ourselves, free from resisting and persecuting others. And don't let us use our insight, that only comes from Your grace, for the purpose of self-gratification and identity. Rather, let us look only to You to see our worth and our responsibility, because it is found in You!
You will do Your new thing, and Your invitation is open for those who will (and for those who will not) join You. Lord, don't let us miss this opportunity.
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when I consider ‘the new thing’, my experience and observation is that I like the idea of this but my experienec of it lacks…everyone I know wants to know whats next. My hunch is that this has more to do with intimacy than details. The question I have been led to devotionally is ‘may I have every freedom?’ I am very eager to share and willing to see the new thing the verses in Isaiah proclaim (personally & corporately). I am reminded that the new thing spoken of may mean different things for each of us; hopefully it will be a deeper, more profound revelation of God in our midst,His Presence, not something we can process intellectually but something more along the lines of heart knowledge, what we become deeply convinced of that overrides what hasn’t been transformed in our thinking, our lifestyle. And if we offer Him every freedom, the freedom He desires and deserves, does it really matter what He wants to do next? Perhaps this has more to do with lifestyle than it does a specific script? As long as it’s You, Lord, I’m good.