Epic Faith

The people who had epic faith in history didn't have epic faith as a goal. 

What is epic faith?  Do we want to be known (of men) as those who had epic faith?  Is it possible to have epic faith when epic faith is not your goal?  Or, better yet, is it possible to have epic faith when your goal is to have epic faith?

Some say that those people who were featured in the faith “hall of fame” chapter, Hebrews 11, shared the common characteristics of having done something that no one had done before.  This chapter is one of my favorites in the bible, and holds powerful motivation to those who desire to walk out the kind of life that these heroes lived.

Could we talk about faith without talking about Abraham, the father of our faith.  He laid the foundation of faith that you and I are walking on today.

Jesus is the captain of our faith, and also it's author and finisher.  If Jesus is the author of our faith, does that mean that our faith doesn't originate with us?  I have heard it said that faith begins where the will of God is revealed.  I believe this.

It seems to me to be a common idea that we live in this age in faith, but in the next one we won't need faith.  I think that is contrary to the scripture, because faith, hope and love abide forever.  Passing a big faith test earns you a bigger test of your faith.  I think this describes where we are headed in this life, and in the next.  We are called, now, to demonstrate the powers of the age to come.  One of the powers of the age to come is faith.

Faith is the mixture of the substance of the heart with the substance of the promise of God from the eternal, unseen realm.  Faith is the vehicle that brings the desires and motives of the God of heaven into reality in this realm.  The eternal, heavenly realm is constructed of more real substance than the realm we live in, but to our natural eyes, it is invisible.  This is why we need to be trained to see and recognize the kingdom of Heaven.

If we have not been born again into the realm of heaven, we cannot see, discern or enter into the motives of the King of Heaven.  Once we are born again, we have the right to see into this, but we need to be instructed in these realities by those who are familiar, and by the Spirit of God, which leads us into all truth.  We can, and should, grow in our awareness of these things, and in our ability to cooperate with them.

Acts of faith are valuable, but a life of faith is more valuable.  We have a lot of actors on the stage, trying to perform, but where are those who are content to live a life of faith in obscurity, unnoticed by the eyes of man?

The foundation of epic faith is epic obedience.  What is God trying to get you to do?

1John5:4 – For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.

Cultivating your faith in God is an investment of transcendent value.  If you can see your challenges as opportunities to grow in faith, to deepen your trust in God, to obey more fully, then you can grow your spiritual contribution and grow in your ability to overcome, as Jesus overcame.

2 Replies to “Epic Faith”

  1. My friend I wrote a little book and part of it has to do with “faith”. We must do a question to ourselves: what is faith?… in my view, “faith is the reason that takes you to do the right thing no matter what the circumstances are” and speaking about those who are content to live a life of faith in obscurity, unnoticed by the eyes of man? It’s something that I have thought a lot, what I mean is that life expirience and God’s word have made me realize that God realy exists and that His word realy come true, so, even when my heart, emotions, feelings, etc. are trying to lead me to do something wrong my reason still tells me to do right and at the end I choose to do good because my expirience of life and God’s word no longer allowed the evil deceive me, of course when this happens we are aware by the Holy Spirit first, and right after that our free will is led by a choise took by our reason. However, if I choose to do wrong even knowing that the consecuences are goin to harm me thats a sign of disobidience wich is rebelion. I hope to make sence my friend since i don”t use to practice my writting. Blessings and hope to see you soon.

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