Here in Cuernavaca

Tuesday 10July2012

For some years now we have been working with the guys in Cuernavaca, Mexico at the House of Prayer.  Check out their ministry by visiting (which means come quickly, as in come quickly Lord Jesus).  They are attempting to hasten the coming of the Lord, which I believe they will do.

We have seen them grow over the years, in number, and in spiritual stature.  Thank God for them, as it is a special relationship that we enjoy.  These are young people who are devoted to the Lord, and to publishing His gospel.  It is a really encouraging to see such things and to have such friends in life.  It makes me want to be a great example to them.

Tonight we will be ministering to their staff of about 80 prayer warriors.  Our hope is to encourage them to press on in hope, and the grace of God.

Be in prayer for them, as they will begin an internship on August 1 that is there biggest yet, drawing people from the US and from many states in Mexico.  It is called the Nazarite Internship, which is taken from the Nazarite vow in scripture.  Yes, they are serious.

God has given us a great opportunity to be a blessing to these young folks.  We treat it as a holy thing.

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