On Thursday I leave for Managua and parts beyond. Your prayers are requested, needed and would be appreciated. I'll arrive ahead of a team of five assembling to host a spiritual retreat for emerging young leaders. Let your heart for the next generation be your guide in prayer! 🙂
I stole this photo from a friend Joe's Facebook, who will be traveling with me on the ground. He and Ulises will meet me at the airport, along with Jairo, and adventure will unfold before our seeking hearts! (Thru your prayers 🙂
We will be going to some new places, and some normal ones, ministering in new churches in Managua and Sebaco, and spending a good bit of time in Matagalpa among longtime and new friends.
Our main thrust will be the retreat, happening Oct 29 thru Nov 1. We will be assembling a small group from around the Pacific coast of the country, asking the Lord to come among us and bless. Please agree with us for this.
We want to go deeper in our relationship with the Lord and each other, asking to leave closer than we came, with God and fellow mortals.
We should be posting video and frequent ground updates here!. Check them out and let us know anything the Lord shows you.
Thanks for your friendship to the Lord and His people.