Sometimes, the Lord surprises you. That's the way it was in this BroSummit. Lots of variety in backgrounds and places called home, so I knew, or at least anticipated, we were in for something special.
It was better than that.
We were at Rayburn Lake at one of the brothers places and had really great weather and the wind of heaven blowing on our hearts.
As we look back from down range, I think we will conclude that lives were changed and courses were set or corrected, while a good time was being enjoyed by all.
Thanks to all who took the time to come and contribute from your heart and life.
Sorry this is so brief but I wanted to get it out nonetheless.
Part of my takeaway from our Bro Summit, (a.k.a. Los Hermanos Difficiles) are as follows..I discovered that there really is a South Georgia, ( its below ‘ the Gnat Line’), I keep having this strange inclination to ask Albert about ‘Barbed Wire’, and that traffic in Dallas looks like Portland only with twice as many Interstate/ US numerical designations for the same roads..many thanks to Sir Billy Bohannon for his expert directions. My face still hurts from smiling and I really have come home with abs from laughing so much.
On a more serious note, its not often I can walk into a gathering of men I hadn’t met and hit 37,000 feet in altitude so quickly. Spent hours in conversation with Scott leading up to our time with a hint of something significant but no real bead to draw down on prior to arrival. My hunch is that near all of us are navigating steps in our walks with the Lord that are new territory, entering, or already having entered, into a new season and new roles that are different and somewhat undefined. Seems we each are experiencing a departure of sorts from what we have been familiar with spiritually and being ‘led’ (or to be more biblically accurate), ‘being dragged’ into the unknown of our experience with Jesus. I liken it to a natural learning curve but at times it seems abrupt. Funny how you can gather men from all over the place and have such common threads in our experiences of what it means to be His. Its taken me a bit of time to settle down inside and not be distracted by my own discomfort of something new but it really shouldn’t surprise us all so much..He is the most unusual person we’ve ever met. I hope and believe that this is a time He has chosen to bring a greater revelation of His person to each of us as well as a time of healing to settle what comes to the surface simultaneously. I am happy to let you decide..I just know that I won’t be wiggling out of my spot any time soon. As a group you impressed me immensely and our time together has all the ear marks of serious and important timing for what we face in our world today…no brag, just fact. Maybe Holy is the best word for whatever this is. Seems like we are in something way over our heads and a sense that each of ‘mi hermanos difficiles’ had similar resonance. Scrum down lads!!
It was very apparent that each of you are tracking and serious about what we are being drawn into. On the rugby pitch, we call this ‘breathing together’.I also feel like I am much more the recipient of what the Lord impressed on us this go round because what I gathered from the rest of y’all and for that I thank you. My heart and my spirit are considerably lifted and I am impressed by the measure of the men I was introduced to. I am humbled, blest and grateful. So let’s stay low and tight in the coming times we face as we see what develops within our circumstances and within each other. The world has this ongoing narrative that ‘Houston, we have a problem’. Methinks the kingdom’s response for us in this is that ‘failure is not an option..'(His words brothers, and thus, ours too)