If we don't remember we are on a mission, our lives turn to dust or idol worship…
Life involves a tension. What we decide prevails as it pertains to us.
What do we want? Regardless of how optimum that is, we are limited by our Vision, our perspective, our worldview.
Our life is directed more, shaped more, by the unremarkable and routine decisions we make, thousands of them, than the landmark decisions we make once every handful of years.
Can we hear the Lord, and His leading, in the subtleties of daily life, when there is no show of hands made to indicate a decision? I hope so.
Reality is a competitive context. I’m not saying this from a interpersonal standpoint, but from a decision standpoint. Our ability to be lead and choose wisely has an immediate consequence, and one that is long lasting.
The law of displacement needs to be understood. Nothing can fill a full life, as it’s already filled. To add something on, take a new direction, or strike out on a new course, room has to be made at the expense of something. Often these “somethings” occupy the high ground of our devotion, and are reticent to pass quietly into the margin.
This tension we all face.
The fruit of our lives, what results from this opportunity we call life, will be the evidence evaluated at the end of days. Choose wisely, and may wisdom prevail.
I’ll leave you with a scripture:
So teach us to number our days, That we may present to You a heart of wisdom…
Ps 90:12 NASB