David's life was different than those who went before him. God wanted to start something new, a new season in time, and the introduction of that time was wrapped up in David's life, his destiny and calling in God. In many ways, these things lead David into difficulty and peril, so it wasn't arranged with the priority of David's comfort and / or convenience in mind. God's will for us can lead us into inconvenience, discomfort and also peril. But that doesn't mean we should try to avoid His will, or that the costs introduced by His will should be avoided. Continue reading “Personal Rendezvous”
Overcoming – Epic Faith II
One of the prevailing influences or “spirits of the age” in our times attempts to govern behavior and life itself thru commerce and commercial incentive. This motivation has a final destination in mind and it is not a good one. You students of the book of Revelation will, no doubt, “get my drift.”
We will need to fight in order to overcome this, to be led, not by money, but by the will of God. Continue reading “Overcoming – Epic Faith II”
Voices from the Past, Still Ringing True
I just finished Oswald Chambers: Abandoned to God. I recommend it highly! Strong book.
I will spare you the book report, but I will say this book is careful to reveal something that I think has not been known broadly, that all Oswald Chambers writings, including My Utmost for His Highest, were written by his wife, and most of them after he was gone. It is a great story of the way his contribution was maximized by the woman who shared a brief, but meaningful, marriage with him. He died when he was my age now, 43.Isn't if funny how when you read into the detail of a story that you generally know, the emotion can still come through as if you were hearing it for the first time? I was caught by this book in that way…. wiping my eyes, and wailing at his passing. Same thing happened to me with No Compromise: The Life Story of Keith Green Story. I recommend it too. Continue reading “Voices from the Past, Still Ringing True”
Escape From Christendom
Escape from Christendom
by Robert Burnell, 1980
The Journey
In my dream I see the lone figure of a man following a road. As the sun sets
beneath the hills, a city comes into view. Nearing it, the traveler sees what
appears to be a large group of churches. Spires and crosses pierce the
skyline. His pace quickens. Is this his destination? He passes an imposing
structure, a neon sign flashing “Cathedral of the Future.” Farther on a
floodlit stadium supports a billboard boasting that fifty thousand people
crowd into evangelistic meetings there three nights a week. Beyond this,
modest “New Testament” chapels and Hebrew Christian synagogues
cluster together on the street front. Continue reading “Escape From Christendom”