False Security

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This content may be controversial, and may talk about things you have no personal experience with.  I want to be careful to share this in a way that isn’t unnecessarily weird,  mystical or “super spiritual”.  Also, I want to ask you to hear me out and try to consider the entire content of what I am sharing, then process thru it, before making a judgement or having a reaction.  I’ll be happy to answer questions or clarify as needed, after the fact.  This is not intended to be a teaching on these kind of experiences.

I had an experience from the Holy Spirit in the early 2000s, something like 2001 or 2002, wherein I was shown some things from the perspective of the future, almost 20 years beyond where we are now.  It took me some years to get a sense of what was being communicated, and some things were immediately obvious. In my experience, I knew that false security was in the process of being removed from the earth.  It WAS NOT in the early stages.  Much of the false security was gone, whether those falsities that construct errant worldview, right on down to those that people use as coping mechanisms. It’s strange how in dreams or experiences like this you can just “know” something.  This was one of those types of experiences.  There was a lot more to the experience, most of which is not necessary to share at this moment.  I think the timely thing, the thing that needs to be shared now, is about false security.

Why is this important to share now after almost 20 years?

Continue reading “False Security”

Patriarchal Perspective

Photo by mari lezhava on Unsplash

Abraham was a man of vision, which was a result of the voice of God to him, relaying to him a prophecy of what was to come. In all likelihood, the expanse of the unfolded future relayed to him seemed a fantasy of sorts. It was big. It was long range. And it outsized his circumstances. This is only the beginning of the story, and Abraham as initial collaborator, embraced it.

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