
change from earthen vessels

We are being invited into something new in God. It doesn’t look much like what is, and it doesn’t look much like what has come before. There are few who see it, and fewer who enter, tho it is being felt and is stirring in the hearts of many. More would enter, but forerunners are needed to make the way for others to come. Will you be one of those?

I am having the sense that this is bigger than i thought early on, or maybe just how I have thought about it lately. There seems to be a fair amount of turbulence, resistance, that is attempting to prevent access to the promise of change, this groaning promise of something new. How can we be sure that our pursuit will bring us to where we are hoping to go, when the trail is not well marked, there are many detractors, and others prominent who market false hope?

Luke 18:25 In fact, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!”

Is it that we have to take off everything that we have put on, accumulated?

As we enter the Kingdom more and more, we lose affection for and entanglement with the things of this life. The verse above reveals the idea that abundance creates many entanglements. Whatever our entanglements, their value can not be compared to the value of His Kingdom, tho it takes the eye of faith to see it as it is.

Is the threat of losing what we accumulated worth the promise of something transcendent, but elusive? People are making this decision every day. Make it well today.

While Drucker was still living….

Peter Drucker On Leadership
Rich Karlgaard, 11.19.04, 6:00 AM ET

Peter Drucker, 95th Birthday
Peter Drucker, 95th Birthday

NEW YORK – Peter F. Drucker was born 95 years ago today–can it be possible?–in Vienna. The universally known writer, thinker and lecturer now is nearly deaf and doesn't get around like he used to. He stopped giving media interviews about a year ago. But in late October, Drucker granted an exception to at the urging of Dr. Rick Warren, the founder and head of the Christian evangelical Saddleback Community Church in Lake Forest, Calif.

Peter F. Drucker at his home in California
The Drucker-Warren relationship may surprise many readers, but it goes back two decades, to when the young minister came to Drucker for advice. Under Drucker's tutelage, Warren's own success as a spiritual entrepreneur has been considerable. Saddleback has grown to 15,000 members and has helped start another 60 churches throughout the world. Warren's 2001 book, The Purpose-Driven Life, is this decade's best seller with 19.5 million copies sold so far and compiling at the rate of 500,000 per month. Continue reading “While Drucker was still living….”

The Establishment

establishmentObserve “The Establishment” (of human institutions) and the pressure it exerts toward compliance – it's suspicion and self-righteousness. To these things I must not react, as Jesus did not, but rather do everything I see my Father doing.

The establishment, holding the truth in unrighteousness, seeking to limit and control the truth, to prevent it's freedom and influential impact, is storing up wrath for itself against the day if wrath. This much is routinely visible. Continue reading “The Establishment”