Preparing for the Days Ahead

prepare_for_battleHow do we prepare for the days ahead?


What is it that God has been leading you to that you have been avoiding?

We know that obedience to God always looks like a cost to us before we move into it.  This should not alarm us, and we don't need to be surprised about it.  It will always be this way, at least in this age…..  After we enter into the obedience that God is directing us into, and we are established in it, then we can see that it really wasn't cost, when compared to what God has added to us.  We should also realize that the higher the level of obedience, the greater the cost can appear, and the longer it may take to see the fruit.

I want to ask you to do something now.  Ask God what He wants you to do.  He will tell you, though the larger direction may take more seeking.  A casual approach to life is costly.  We must seek the Lord and His will intently.  But God wants you to know His will, and if you approach it seriously, He will communicate His will to you.  The scriptures are clear about this fact. Continue reading “Preparing for the Days Ahead”

Principles of War


The nine Principles of War, as defined in the Army Field Manual FM-3 Military Operations:

Mass Concentrate combat power at the decisive place and time
Objective Direct every military operation towards a clearly defined, decisive, and attainable objective
Offensive Seize, retain, and exploit the initiative
Surprise Strike the enemy at a time, at a place, or in a manner for which he is unprepared
Economy of force Allocate minimum essential combat power to secondary efforts
Maneuver Place the enemy in a position of disadvantage through the flexible application of combat power
Unity of command For every objective, ensure unity of effort under one responsible commander
Security Never permit the enemy to acquire an unexpected advantage
Simplicity Prepare clear, uncomplicated plans and clear, concise orders to ensure thorough understanding

the emerging 12/14/2009

IMG00011-20091201-1407I recently observed something that came as a surprise to me about the emerging generation.  As a part of a team that trains for short term international missions, I had designed an event that was tiring, difficult, challenging, team-focused, and intended to be generally miserable.  Events like this should help people pull together as a team and become a unit, instead of just a collection of individuals.  Common objectives in an adverse environment is the stuff that molds us together, helps us see each other as we are, and not by the facades that are common.  With this in mind, I had revved up the planning to make the event, not impossible, but hard.

We were taking the students in teams of roughly ten, so that we could isolate the activity's focus and no one would get lost in a crowd.  That part worked well.  Really it all worked well.  The students came together and helped each other, pulling each other along and not leaving anyone behind when weaknesses became a clear liability to the stronger members.  They pulled together.  They overcame the adversity.  They championed the challenge. Continue reading “the emerging 12/14/2009”