Things to consider

I am reading the book Bonhoeffer; Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas.  Click on the photo to see it on Amazon.  Kathy bought it for me for my birthday.  She is sweet.  It seems at this point to be thorough, and I am sure it will take a while to get through it's 542 pages. It makes me think, already, while only 42 pages in, of those who have gone before us. Continue reading “Things to consider”

SO…. what is coming?

Prophetic people get a sense of identity from the thought that they are seeing things that are coming. It makes for good feelings, and a sense of spiritual validity. This should not come as a surprise to us, and we shouldn't be alarmed by this reality, though it is probably omitted from most of the self-commentary that we put forth.

SO? What is coming?

Sadly (do you hear the word sadly a lot lately?), there is very little being said about what the Lord is preparing and embarking on anew. We do hear a fair amount about what is going on in the world around us, what the enemy is planning, and what will happen if we let things continue in the direction they are headed. Unfortunately, this is mostly human reasoning, which is not completely useless, as we know.

But who has a voice and perspective, a heavenly perspective, that affords one view to where the Lord is headed and what He is up to? Can you hear the crickets in the background? Seems a little quite on that front. This is a voice and a perspective we desperately need, and should be primarily devoted to. Continue reading “SO…. what is coming?”

crazy times and a new logo



This is a logo that Jesse Fisher did for us.

I like it.

Thanks Jesse.

It has been crazy times, but I do feel some stirring…  Stirring to get closer to the Lord, and by that to be closer to everything important, everything central.

I have had a host of experiences over the last month or so.  Major changes in the business.  Major changes in life, though some of these changes will be more clear as a little time passes.  Major change can rarely be understood while you are in it.

Jesus is serious about His commitment to our lives, and He will be present and active if that is our desire.  Often the events that accompany His arrival on the scene cause us to rescind the invitation.  Lord, help us to stay in place when the shaking starts, help us not to run, not to attempt (in futility) to hide ourselves.  All things are present and unhidden before You. Continue reading “crazy times and a new logo”


change from earthen vessels

We are being invited into something new in God. It doesn’t look much like what is, and it doesn’t look much like what has come before. There are few who see it, and fewer who enter, tho it is being felt and is stirring in the hearts of many. More would enter, but forerunners are needed to make the way for others to come. Will you be one of those?

I am having the sense that this is bigger than i thought early on, or maybe just how I have thought about it lately. There seems to be a fair amount of turbulence, resistance, that is attempting to prevent access to the promise of change, this groaning promise of something new. How can we be sure that our pursuit will bring us to where we are hoping to go, when the trail is not well marked, there are many detractors, and others prominent who market false hope?

Luke 18:25 In fact, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!”

Is it that we have to take off everything that we have put on, accumulated?

As we enter the Kingdom more and more, we lose affection for and entanglement with the things of this life. The verse above reveals the idea that abundance creates many entanglements. Whatever our entanglements, their value can not be compared to the value of His Kingdom, tho it takes the eye of faith to see it as it is.

Is the threat of losing what we accumulated worth the promise of something transcendent, but elusive? People are making this decision every day. Make it well today.