
Trip Report from Clifton Smeltzer – To contact Cliff by email, click Email Me.

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” – God’s
word to Paul (2 Cor. 12:9)

Life is full of firsts:
First tooth.
First bicycle wreck.
First grade.
First myspace romance (which in my case lead to my first & only wife)
First gray hair.

I was recently invited to go on my first mission trip with Scott and the FX Missions
team to Mexico. Jesus said, “go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the
whole creation” (Mark 16:15), so it seemed like a great opportunity to be obedient
to my Lord. I made the decision to go after some consideration and prayer.

Leading up to the trip, I dealt with great fear that the enemy kept sewing into my
thoughts as regarding personal safety. Thankfully, my wife and the Holy Spirit (who
work together for my good obviously), continued to encourage me to trust the voice
of the Lord which had confirmed in many ways that I was called to go and serve on
this trip.

The team of people I was with in Mexico had the great opportunity to serve in many
different contexts, as we traveled from place to place. There were numerous special
moments with God’s people, some of which I had hoped would last longer. We saw
people get healed, delivered and meet Jesus along the way. As ministry continued
to happen, the individuals on the team became more aware of each other and the
group dynamic was strengthened.

The consistent need throughout the trip, which provided the power for my ability
to love and serve at the level required for the pace we were keeping, was focusing
on intentional time with Jesus in prayer and the Word. I realize that one on one time
with God is also necessary at home, but it seemed like our ability bless the people
of Mexico could be easily squandered if His presence wasn’t central moment by

For me, it came down to taking a few minutes to pray on the bus ride from one
place to another, or to make a decision against pleasing my soul with relaxation, but
instead resting in Him through worship. When I realized the actual vehicle I was in
for this trip was his will which required the Holy Spirit to empower and direct the
coarse at hand, it caused me to pay extra attention.

The temptation to look to myself for the ability to provide answers in the different
situations that arose never dissipated. Thankfully, God was gracious to me as
he gave gentle reminders to my heart, showing me I was only able by to provide
something of eternal value by his hand to the people before me. What better offering
is there to give someone than what He has first given us?

By his grace I will go on many more trips in the future, as I now see in a very real
way that his grace is sufficient to do anything he calls me to do.

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