Trip Summaries from recent Nicaragua trip here:
In short, the trip far exceeded expectations. We are so thankful to everyone who supported in prayer and on the team. Trip blogs to come from the team members shortly, and they will be published and back-linked here.
Well of Grace, by Aaron Hershberger
November 9, 2014
Aaron Hershberger

Have you ever felt like every decision you make the Lord completely agrees with? Or maybe the opposite? I find it amazing how the Lord leads and directs us with such a high level of patience and grace. While we all operate under God’s grace, wouldn’t it be amazing if we could tap in to a deeper well of grace and keep a steady flow going?
While in Nicaragua, our US Team – (Scott McClelland, Yuri Nosenko, Greg Milsaps, Luke Anspach, and myself) found ourselves, together with our Nica team – (Ixil Borter Torrez, Jairo Miranda, Pablo Altamirano, Earl Rutledge, and others I am probably missing) being caught up in this flow of grace and it was awesome!
Greg Millsaps' Take On Nica2014

For me, this past trip to Nicaragua was like seeing a missing puzzle piece falling into place. Nicaragua is a country to which I have deep commitments and, more importantly, a deep love. I lived and served there from 2003-2006 and have returned several times since to visit and re-connect. But no return visit has been as meaningful as this past trip has been.
Nicaragua is a unique country in the family of nations. It is my firm belief that God has a unique calling for this nation – a Great Commission calling which is only now beginning to be realized by its young leaders. As such, it is an honor and a privilege to have a part in the mentoring and discipleship of many young Nicaraguan leaders. This was the purpose of the trip – to continue to invest in Great Commission disciple-making relationships with passionate and capable young leaders.