1Nica2015 Trip Summary

Here is a summary page of the recent time we had in Nicaragua.  We had a solid team who all did well, with each having a meaningful contribution.  If you or someone you know are interested in going abroad on a short-term mission with FXMissions (usually ten days or less, and primarily in Latin America), let us know!

Getting to see life as it is lived by others, far away from your normal surroundings, can be enlightening in ways that are hard to describe in words.  This is true of any travel where one is paying attention.  On a completely higher level is being used by the Lord to bring hope, encouragement, and love, which are some of our major focus points.  Search your heart, look among the nations, and take action.  You won't be sorry you did!

Team Members Weighing In 

Joe Pulling Together His Recipe For Greatness
Joe Pulling Together His Recipe For Greatness

Joe D Lope

“Focusing on ourselves will never reveal the purpose of our lives.” – Rick Warren

Hello my name is Joe D’lopez and like the apostle Paul, do not come with elegant and persuasive words, but with simple and plain words from my heart, simple and easy as God has called me to do so.

During the journey that took place in the city of Matagalpa, Nicaragua along with the team L.H.I.M (Living Hope International Missions) from different parts of Mexico in conjunction with FXMissions, team from USA led by Scott McClelland aka “Gallo más Gallo”. All I can say about this trip is that God was in the house..! As the center of all and nothing more, because in prayer we asked to the Lord that, “if His Presence does not go with us, we will not move”… (for more click here!)

Alisha Joy Tomsen (who is a prolific blogger!)

Alisha on outreach, describing the finer points of David and Goliath's story.. 🙂

So, Nicaragua everyone. It’s amazing. Beautiful. Sunny. There’s palm trees everywhere, and they have coconuts on them. The mountains are green, the sky is blue-really, what else could you want. The only thing that’s out of place is the desperate poverty a lot of people live in… (Alisha's full article and links to her follow on article can be found by clicking here)

Danielle Barnett

In Cuidad Dario on an outreach with the Swedish / Nica Missions School
In Cuidad Dario on an outreach with the Swedish / Nica Missions School

…when I squeezed into the back seat of a pickup truck to drive about an hour to the town of Dario, after I landed in Nicaragua, my first thought was “what in the world am I doing here? I don't even know Spanish.” By all outward appearances, it was not the best timing for me to leave the country. I had just taken time off work for the Holidays, had other scheduling conflicts, and I had been trying to teach myself Spanish, but was still a very, very long way off …  (What occurred to Danielle on the ground, and after, can be reached by clicking here…)

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