
You may have heard it said that a fanatic is someone who won’t change his mind and who won’t change the subject. If this is indeed true, we are surrounded by those today, on the right and on the left of the political spectrum. And this fact, this fanaticism, is more dangerous than any individual character that comes along as flavor of the month (or year, or two years, or four years).

Politics today has been broadly promoted to the level of religion on the part of many—visible in its ability to impart a comprehensive world view. This is an error and will come to be seen as such.  

We are rooted too deeply in our (very temporary) generation if we fall into such thinking.

One example of politics (political parties) being promoted to the level of religion is Nazi Germany, which took the form of the religion of hyper-nationalism. I am hesitant to use this example, as it for sure is an extreme one. However, no nation is inherently immune from this type of cancer forming within its body politic. 

One of the key antibodies needed to the resist the intrusion of this disease is to realize that political life is not an end in itself, which is equally true of the other parts of modern life. No part of life is an end in itself.

And we have to keep in mind, when it comes to nationalism, the nation state is a temporary form of organization, just like the feudal system, landed gentry, peasantry, and other forms of human organization that have come before. They all are destined to fade into history.

Reaction & Overreaction

Where are those God has chosen and made ready for the times we are now in? I realize that wording may seem a little like dated vernacular, but I think it’s a good question. I am a touch alarmed, as you may be, that we fail to realize the world we live in is not our home and we are in fact “behind enemy lines.” To be shocked and disgusted by the evil of evildoers is a fool’s errand. We must realize our need for “personal ballast”—weight of character that stabilizes us against the wind, adverse circumstances, and apparent opposition. This is put another way in Scripture, being called maturity. For sure, we are not sufficient on our own, but in and through Christ, we are more than overcomers. Our sufficiency is from and through Him, the maker of heaven and earth. There is a grace in maturity.

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Building Your Own Thing

You remember Paul's comment about righteousness and how it was exclusive, don't you? Like either/or (see Philippians 3:9). The Pharisees were going about establishing their own righteousness, and thereby were failing to submit themselves to the righteousness of God, the very righteousness God was offering them. That would never do. In a way, the thought I am trying to cover here is like that, only different. What I am wanting to discuss has more to do with what we are “building,” as in an outcome, or result, of our lives. It's a similar trap to the Pharisees, a similar deceit.

It has to do with building your own thing and thereby failing to become a part of what God is building. This is kind of widespread in my view. It's not a few or a small percentage. Sadly, it's just not.

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Self-Life vs Life of Service

The greatest among you shall be your servant … What's He talking about? Is He saying that the servants, literally those who serve us, are the greatest from His point of view? This is counterintuitive, and the mind of man will almost not have it. It has to mean something other than that. He must have something else in mind if we are to defend our personal superiority.  

I think it can be safely said that no one is trying to be the most servile, or at least not many. Love God and serve people. We get into trouble when we get this backwards. Yes, we do serve God, but by and through our service to people. 

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