We had a really solid team and group at La Quemada, and we are really blessed by the growing friendships and deepening of “hermandad” that the Lord is doing there. The leadership event was “retreat style”, so we had plenty of time to spend with each other and meetings were sort of not the main focus. In this theme, we headed out to San Miguel one morning after breakfast, and had a great time strolling the city and experiencing the culture, which was awesome for all, and likely mind-blowing for those who were traveling for the first or second time to Mexico. A mi gusta San Miguel! Que Bonito! Not to mention they have churros among the best you will find anywhere!

Felipe, my friend from southern Brazil, joined us there – the trip from his home was a lot longer than everyone else – and I am sure the Lord met his investment with a big return. It was great to see him, be with him, and hear about his family and life in Brazil. It has been 10 years since we were together, and Mexico was a fitting rendezvous, seeing we were there together in 2009. This guy brings joy to all he comes in contact with, and has a huge leadership calling on his life. I am grateful to be a small part of what God is doing in his life, and, don’t miss it, we are planning a trip to visit Felipe and other friends in Brazil in 2021. Sounds cool, right?