A Prophetic Warning to the Prophetic Movement

Click on Tony's photo to go to his blog

Part 1 “I believe in marriage. I have been married three times.”

I wasn’t there to hear but apparently this statement was made by a “Christian” television host and personality in Norway. When hearing this, most Norwegian believers that I spoke to were shocked and annoyed (aghast comes to mind) that anyone claiming to be a Christian should have the gall to make such an utterance in public and do so on national television. Those reporting this to me were pretty clear in their minds that this statement was not made in jest. This fellow was serious, meant what he said and didn’t recognize the ethical conflict.

The point was made, that if anyone else would have said this they would not have been so readily excused for it. Some people, because of their notoriety, can say almost anything and get by with it. They somehow get a free pass from that which the rest of us are held accountable. Continue reading “A Prophetic Warning to the Prophetic Movement”

Foundation…The Biggest Deal

I used to wonder what in the world a be-attitude was.  Jesus’ “Sermon on the Mount”, He delivered what was called “the beatitudes” or at least that was the title that was always at the top of this section in my bible.  I’ve always said that Jesus or the Bible doesn’t give us a description for how to “do” church, but rather how to BE the church.  You don’t really “go” to church, YOU ARE His church.  The whole purpose for Him creating man and for redeeming us after mankind fell from Him through sin was His intention for relationship.  He just wants to Be in you and for you to Be in Him.  There is a difference in being and doing.  Out of right BEING comes right DOING.

Continue reading “Foundation…The Biggest Deal”

Passing a Crucial Test

As Christians, our lives follow a process of preparation that we can observe in the scripture. In many ways, we follow the same course of preparation that Jesus followed, and that we can observe in the Gospels. We can see ourselves, and recognize not only the process, but actual events in our lives can parallel what happened to Jesus in remarkable ways. He was tempted in every manner as we are, yet without sin. He lived as an example to us, and all the lives of people in the scripture are given to us as examples, upon whom the end of the ages have come, and are now coming.

One thing that I noticed or recognized some time back, which is an example of this fact, is a particular temptation that came to Jesus when he was in the wilderness that also comes to each of us, as Christians. There are some very high profile examples of this that I have observed, and I have also observed it in my own life, and in the lives of others close to me. It seems a universal part of the process that we go through. I will attempt to explain this in as few words as possible. Continue reading “Passing a Crucial Test”

The Crown of Thorns


While at IHOP Kansas City I was able to join a session in the prayer room. It seemed fairly normal, but the Lord used the time and context to reveal something to me.  The revelation is about suffering and adversity. It came through the presence of the crown of thorns on the communion table I was standing near.

In my mind I could see the thorns as not only entanglements and resistance,  as one would equate with vines, yes these things, but more. The thorns represent resistance & entanglements with the addition of pain and suffering.  If you have ever traversed a briar patch, you know there is a constant evaluation of cost to benefit going through your mind. Thorns are a cost to the one who will not be stopped that is punctuated with every advancing step. Continue reading “The Crown of Thorns”