What is Leadership?

About to get a workout going!

Leadership, it may be hard to define, but you know it when you see it.  This means there is an essence to leadership that is known through observing it in action, not just in contemplation.  After all, the Kingdom of God is not in word only, but in power (with the idea of action)!

Who is your favorite leader of all time, after Jesus?  Think about this before you go on, please…..  Can you name someone?  We will come back to this, but, I want to encourage you to stop and think of someone until you come up with a name.  Thanks…

Here are a few definitions of leadership for you:

Short version:  Influence

Leadership is being exemplary – Not all persons with responsibility are good examples, but in the Lord’s estimation, leadership and living a good example are the same thing. Continue reading “What is Leadership?”

Prayer Request – Kenya2015 – Plus Small Update

Brother & Sisterhood, greetings!

Israel Juarez and I in Chihuahua, Mexico
Me and Israel Juarez in Chihuahua, Mexico

We are headed for Kenya on September 2nd, that is, Israel Juarez and I.  We will be on the ground in Nairobi, the capital, and Kihancha, which is a rural town very near Lake Victoria and the border with Tanzania.  We are going to visit my friend Mishael Sirima, a church leader with a number of congregations, and also to connect with the Hydrating Humanity leadership team, who will see briefly as we pass back thru Nairobi on the way out.  I am greatly looking forward to it, and would appreciate your prayer support.  We are covering a lot of miles, passing thru the Middle East to get to Africa, and have many connections to make. Continue reading “Prayer Request – Kenya2015 – Plus Small Update”


Mexico City Undoing

DF1It was early 2005 and I was running like a live wire off the energy of a recent awareness of a call to missions. I was in one of the biggest cities in the world, the City of Mexico… helping to put on a conference in the north of the city. It was my first time in Mexico beyond the cities that skirt the Texas / Mexico border. I was an easy target for the Lord, tho at the time a clueless one.

Don’t get me wrong here, I want to let you inside the story. I hope I can, but it’s not just a story, if it were there would be no real casualties…. and yet, there are. Continue reading “Consequences”

Execute the Basics of the Faith

Back In The Day
WAY Back In The Day, Pick Albert and Claim A Prize!!

When I was much younger, I played sports. One of the things that an athlete has to do is to execute the basic technique of his position. Simple things really such as how to stand or where to put your feet. After many repetitions, these basic things become second nature and no longer require thought. However, when a bad habit forms to take one away from the basic principles of the game, he has to recalibrate the basics. For instance, my favorite team in American football has recently had some issues with tackling. It is the most basic function of the game of football. Yet these professionals sometimes loose track in their great skills of strength, agility, and speed to execute the fundamentals of tackling and fail to stop players upon initial contact. Sometimes the professionals become distracted by the statistics and the achievements or even the next contract. But if they execute the fundamentals, these things will take care of themselves. Continue reading “Execute the Basics of the Faith”