Brother & Sisterhood, greetings!

We are headed for Kenya on September 2nd, that is, Israel Juarez and I. We will be on the ground in Nairobi, the capital, and Kihancha, which is a rural town very near Lake Victoria and the border with Tanzania. We are going to visit my friend Mishael Sirima, a church leader with a number of congregations, and also to connect with the Hydrating Humanity leadership team, who will see briefly as we pass back thru Nairobi on the way out. I am greatly looking forward to it, and would appreciate your prayer support. We are covering a lot of miles, passing thru the Middle East to get to Africa, and have many connections to make.
To my knowledge, this is Israel's first trip to Africa, tho he has been in Europe and the Middle East before. I am looking forward to our time together very much, which brings me to another specific in my request for prayer. I will be translating for him! For those who know my Spanish skills, you can really appreciate the need here. Haha. No, really.
Hopefully we will have some access to internet so that we can report on how things are going, and emergent prayer support needs. As you think of us, please take a second to pray, that we will accomplish what we are being sent to do, that we will give and receive all that is intended, and that we will leave our brothers and sisters there better off than when we arrive.
Switching gears, things are busy and a lot is going on… it's probably the same with you, I imagine.
We, at FXMissions, are getting ready for our annual Young Leader's Event in Nicaragua, which is being planned for the early part of December. I am really pleased that we will have a leadership team from four nations represented. Next year let's go for five! It excites me to get a broad range of perspective, and to see it brought to bear on young minds and hearts. Thank God for those He brought to me as a young(er) leader. It can be a huge blessing, to hear from and be impacted by someone from a distant land with a far different experience. The scriptures are full of such examples.
We are nearing the launch of a leadership training initiative, as well. To me it seems like this has been in the works for far too long, but, my perspective is not the most important, if you get my drift. I am hoping to launch this in English and Spanish. At the moment the plan is to do some in person and distance learning, and have those involved in each segment do something of an outreach together. Keep a watch out for some more info on this, as well as a name, and the dates of our maiden voyage! Prayers support on this front are also very much appreciated, and surely needed.
One other development I would like to mention. We recently teamed up with the folks at Engaging Missions to produce the Leadership Minute as an addition to their weekly radio program. It has been pretty well received. The concept is a quick thought on the subject of leadership, and I am hoping to actually fit the thoughts within a minute at some point. It is, brief, in any case, and hopefully impactful. I have been studying leadership for many years, complete with a few train wrecks, and I am hoping to pass along things that I have observed. If you'd like to listen to a quick thought on leadership, here's a link to a recent leadership minute. New ones come out weekly. I hope it's a blessing… (and a challenge to grow in your leadership capacity!)
Grace to you and peace!
Scott McClelland /