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crazy times and a new logo
This is a logo that Jesse Fisher did for us.
I like it.
Thanks Jesse.
It has been crazy times, but I do feel some stirring… Stirring to get closer to the Lord, and by that to be closer to everything important, everything central.
I have had a host of experiences over the last month or so. Major changes in the business. Major changes in life, though some of these changes will be more clear as a little time passes. Major change can rarely be understood while you are in it.
Jesus is serious about His commitment to our lives, and He will be present and active if that is our desire. Often the events that accompany His arrival on the scene cause us to rescind the invitation. Lord, help us to stay in place when the shaking starts, help us not to run, not to attempt (in futility) to hide ourselves. All things are present and unhidden before You. Continue reading “crazy times and a new logo”
While Drucker was still living….
Peter Drucker On Leadership
Rich Karlgaard, 11.19.04, 6:00 AM ET

NEW YORK – Peter F. Drucker was born 95 years ago today–can it be possible?–in Vienna. The universally known writer, thinker and lecturer now is nearly deaf and doesn't get around like he used to. He stopped giving media interviews about a year ago. But in late October, Drucker granted an exception to Forbes.com at the urging of Dr. Rick Warren, the founder and head of the Christian evangelical Saddleback Community Church in Lake Forest, Calif.
Peter F. Drucker at his home in California
The Drucker-Warren relationship may surprise many readers, but it goes back two decades, to when the young minister came to Drucker for advice. Under Drucker's tutelage, Warren's own success as a spiritual entrepreneur has been considerable. Saddleback has grown to 15,000 members and has helped start another 60 churches throughout the world. Warren's 2001 book, The Purpose-Driven Life, is this decade's best seller with 19.5 million copies sold so far and compiling at the rate of 500,000 per month. Continue reading “While Drucker was still living….”
What is your core?
Have you considered what your core contribution is? No doubt this would be in concert with your talents and with the grace that is available to you. Sometimes we think that we can do anything. This is unrealistic.
God gives each us specific grace and talents for specific objectives and responsibilities.
I want to encourage you to spend some time thinking about your core contribution. What could it be? What should it be?
The LORD will make your life consequential as you follow Him. A part of following Him, following Wisdom, is to not to run wildly, or swing randomly, but to focus your life and your resources for maximum impact. God will show you how to focus on His grace and what He has imparted to you in a way that will accomplish maximum results. This kind of life is pleasing to God.
Blessings to you in your pursuit of Him!