crazy times and a new logo



This is a logo that Jesse Fisher did for us.

I like it.

Thanks Jesse.

It has been crazy times, but I do feel some stirring…  Stirring to get closer to the Lord, and by that to be closer to everything important, everything central.

I have had a host of experiences over the last month or so.  Major changes in the business.  Major changes in life, though some of these changes will be more clear as a little time passes.  Major change can rarely be understood while you are in it.

Jesus is serious about His commitment to our lives, and He will be present and active if that is our desire.  Often the events that accompany His arrival on the scene cause us to rescind the invitation.  Lord, help us to stay in place when the shaking starts, help us not to run, not to attempt (in futility) to hide ourselves.  All things are present and unhidden before You.

I had a dream in the beginning of 2009 wherein the Lord told me He was giving me two more years.  In my mind I knew that He was talking about some major change, or something coming to an end in that time frame, but I didn't understand it clearly at first.  As you can imagine, I was quite interested to see it clearly.  The end of that season, and of the thing that the Lord was targeting, has recently come.  Thank you Jesus!  We know You know what You are doing.  We will understand if we follow on to understand.  Otherwise we gravitate to offense, or toward one of many other obstacles to seeing thing as they are (and not as they appear).

I want to encourage you to draw close to the Lord during this season.  Many things that seem like immovable obstacles to the advance of His will in your life will fall suddenly, and forever.  There is grace present, it seems to me, in this moment we are in.  We must enter in more fully, or we will fall away from such opportunities.

Some will do great exploits, and some will suffer great loss.

That is a line from a song a friend of mine wrote.  It makes me think deeply, and come to account to the Truth.

Let's take courage, draw near, and commit our times and lives to the Lord again.  Let's go deeper.  The things that have held us back are no match for His grace.  He can overcome them, as He has overcome the world.  Let us join Him there, as we are borne of Him, into the lineage of overcoming grace.


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