We pushed Mario's Combi (VW BUS Circa \'78) to get it started, but it was good after that! This photo is from our first few minutes of the trip.
We have been on the ground in Mexico for about 48 hours, most of our time spent in DF (the Capitol District of Mexico City). Right now we are in Cuernavaca, one of my favorite cities in Mexico. I like it here for a lot of reasons, but primarily for the friends I have here. The emerging generation has so much promise, and so much potential. It is also a target, and a very strategic one, of the enemy. I can remember my own awkwardness, my own lack of focus, and my own absent-mindedness enough to know that I want to encourage the emerging generation in every way I can.
The first night we got to meet Kerry Olson, who is Director of Christ for the Nations Mexico, and has been here 26 years on the field in Mexico. Was a real privilege to meet him and to hear of the their work. I am hoping to catch up with Kerry again when I get back here. He left for Spain and North Africa yesterday. It is good to see what the Lord is doing with these guys.
Last night we got to spend some time with a number of my friends here in Cuernavaca. Benjamin Nunez, Maya Bey, Mafer and Carlos as well. It was really good to see them. I can feel the weight that some of them are carrying. We want to share the load, and encourage them toward to horizon, and away from the present pain. LORD, strengthen our legs.
We are doing well, though a little somber this morning. I want to make sure that while we are here in Mexico, we give all the Lord sent us to give, receive all He sent us to receive, and leave the Lord's people here better than we found them. It is my focus.
Lord Jesus, send Your helper today, and help our weakness and uncertainty.