War, coming soon to a coast near you…..

trumpsWar is now, and greater war is coming. Many cannot see it. The war that comes will push out all the middle ground. There will be very little DMZ, and what demilitarized area there is will not be fixed ground. These battles, as with all, will have there ebbs and tides, but the time will come when there will be no place to hide from the battle that now seems so far away to many. How will we prepare ourselves?  We can look around to witness what is considered by many to be very turbulent times. This shaking is minimal.

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liberate us

IMG00353-20090614-1725Lord liberate us, Your Church, from the officiate / spectate model of ministry! It has died, through a slow and painful death process.

should we use our limited time and resource to defend the past, or build the future?
preparing the way of the Lord is a work that uses the current time to invest in that which is yet to come….
now, it doesn't seem to me that most, or even many people are sitting around devising ways to defend the past, as keepers of this form as sacrosanct
rather, it seems that as these are the ways we have been taught, we have learned, and that these models of ministry in that they are the form of ministry that are being modeled(almost without rival!). Continue reading “liberate us”

Thoughts on the King and His Kingdom

We are translated from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of the Beloved Son when we come to faith in Jesus. Instantly, we are citizens of the heavenly kingdom, and have become strangers and foreigners in the earth.  Before this, we were citizens of the age, and trapped in the kingdom of darkness.  Believing, you become a citizen of God's domain, positioned behind enemy lines.  We walk in faith that does not originate in the natural realm while awaiting the invading force led by the rightful ruler of this world, Jesus Christ, to come and dispossess the trespassing regime from their entrenched position in the earth. Continue reading “Thoughts on the King and His Kingdom”