The christian / the church is supposed to be a force of liberation, a deliverer, if you will, to the people in bondage in the systems of this world. Instead, many are trying to find a home and a place of belonging within these very systems that are (in fact) a force, and a reinforcer, of bondage. The enemy has a standing offer on the table for those who have an overwhelming need to belong, and many are capitulating to it. It is the same offer that he made to Jesus. Don't consider yourself immune to his overtures. You are not.
The systems of this world, even this very age, is in bondage and is awaiting liberation. On a individual and small scale, we can work today to liberate people within our spheres of legitimate authority in God, but first we must become free ourselves. We are never going to be a force of deliverance by trying to fit in and climb the ladder of ascension, all the while drinking in and conforming to the self-serving spirit that is controlling these entities in the first place.
All of creation is waiting for the manifestations of the sons of God, those who demonstrate His glory, His nature, His character. Great liberation and freedom has been (small scale) and will be (wholesale) brought about as the nature and character of God grows into recognizable presence within us, climaxing in the return of the Express Image of His Likeness, Jesus Christ Himself. This, contrary to popular belief, does not suggest that the creation is waiting of the glory of man. The glory of man, fallen-ness, is what dropped us off in this war zone.
Do not make peace with the spirit of the age. The anti-christ spirit is a spirit that champions the sufficiency of man. In getting man to believe in his own sufficiency, this spirit takes control of and animates man to his own ends, destruction. So many today are not only making peace with the spirit of the age, they are signing joint marketing agreements with this spirit! Have we finally come to a understanding of legal things so completely that we believe we can come out better off in a deal with the devil?
For this purpose was the Son of God revealed, so that He might destroy the works of the devil. Jesus didn't sign the offer made to Him by the tempter during the forty days. He took up arms. This, too, is your calling!
…And the spirit of the Lord took possession of Gideon, and he blew a ram's horn as a call to arms (a call to battle).
If the Spirit of the Lord takes possession of us, we are going to go to war against the ideas and perspectives that enslave us and those around us. Some will fight on the small scale, and some will fight on the large scale, but war on these ideas is needed at every level, and is your responsibility.