One road leads home and a thousand into the wilderness. – CS Lewis
We think of Jesus' life among us as that strange and unique “one-of-a-kind” life, riddled with mystique and wispy elusiveness. There is and should be no doubt, after all, that He is the “only begotten” of the Father. But as for His life among us, actually He made it plain and simple, and with renewed minds we can understand that He was actually showing what our lives can and will look like when lived as intended. From His life He calls to us to come and enter into our own, true lives.
We must enter into Him first and foremost, then we can enter into who we are called to become and to be – who we truly are. Not only did He show us life as intended, but, thru His sacrifice, He made the way for us to enter such living, which is not otherwise possible. There are whispers today of ascendant man, born of the theories of one ever evolving… such a man must be certain he enters at the gate or he will be rightly thrown off the mountain he attempts to ascend, a trespasser. Jesus said I am the gate. Apart from grace, we don't evolve or ascend, but descend into the abyss. Let's don't look for ways to stay positive as we destroy ourselves and others.
The way of Christ, a servant, humble, drawing no attention to himself, is the type of life that the Father values, recognizes and rewards. The way of Christ is the way, not only for Him, but for us also. Let's meet Him, join Him, suffer with Him, outside the camp – not only in obscurity, but complete with contempt and human derision. Entering into purpose is entering into Him, and abiding in Him. If our purpose preoccupies our minds to the point that it obscures Him, we are idolizing ourselves. It pleases the Father to make Him first in all things. This will also bring us pleasure when we see and live clearly.
Not many will take this route. This should come as no surprise. Self love and false security well protect the borders of the prison that holds so, so many, and they are apparently vigilant and unrelenting guards. For those who do find and keep their way in the way everlasting, they can and should expect adversity and resistance. The active spirit now working in the children of disobedience and this age is contrary to the Spirit of Christ, but nothing worthwhile goes uncontested. And we will not be alarmed, if we call to mind the exhortations of those who have gone valiantly before us, that attempts will be made to withstand us. Join me in suffering for the gospel, young Timothy, because no one who plays outside the boundaries of the game can legitimately hope to seize the victory! Arm yourself and summon your superpowers. Onward!