There is a great and effectual door opened unto me, and there are many adversaries. This is from 1Corinthians 16, and it was impressed on me as I got up this morning and started to pray and think. There was a mishap with Greg Millsaps flight last night and instead of arriving at 11:30pm, he is being told he will have to wait until the same flight tonight. That is a loss of 24 hours on an already short schedule. Doesn't seem that cool.
One thing that was cool is that I sat next to a hotel owner from Guanacaste last night on the plane! This photo is of their hotel. Click on it to go to their site. It was a really pleasant surprise and I planning to get up to their place and meet the family and possible stay in their hotel one night while we are scouting the area. Guanacaste seems to be a fairly large province, and we want to learn as much as we can about it and find the right area to focus on. As you know, this is often about finding the right people.
Thanks for the prayers. We will keep you posted.