
Feeling vulnerable?  Is that a bad thing?

Vulnerability tends to isolate our insecurities, because we don't feel pulled together or in a position of strength.  Maybe it feels like our weaknesses are being revealed and are at risk of being exploited.  Not a comforting feeling.

But vulnerability may not be a bad thing in every case.  Do you want to be impervious to the input of others?  Do you want your heart to be vulnerable to the Lord's influence?  Vulnerability, in some cases, can be a good thing, though, even in these cases, it can be uncomfortable.  For some reason, we humans value the feeling of control.  It is hard to feel in control at the same time you are feeling vulnerable.

Change makes us feel vulnerable sometimes.  Sameness seems to be reassuring and reinforce the idea of stability / control.  In any case, change is not something we can stop.  Either we happen to change or change happens to us.  I am in favor of leading change, instead of being led by it, but that is not always possible.  Sometimes changes happen that you don't want and that you don't feel like you benefit from.  True enough.

At the same time, we have an assurance that God is working all things together for those who love Him and are following His call.  This doesn't mean that we are immune to bad or unwelcome things impacting our lives, only that God will redeem all such things and cause them to be to our benefit, in the end.  To see this be the result, we have to see it through.  But it's as reliable a prediction as the sun rising in the morning, even though night can be dark and feel perpetual.

Don't be discouraged, God works in the seen and unseen realms.  This is an opportunity for you to grow in trust, and be strengthened in your dependence upon Him.  Dependence is another one of those things that are uncomfortable, and sometimes undesirable, but it's ok.

I want to encourage you to become vulnerable to God, and also to the people in your life who are trustworthy.  You may experience breakthrough that you have been waiting on or hoping for.  In reality, you cannot secure yourself beyond vulnerability.  Nevertheless, we can soldier on in the face of impossibility, trying to keep the illusion of security alive.

Be encouraged.  Drop your guard toward God.

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